MONDAY,JUNE 9,2003,9AM

1.  Recently the Cradle of Liberty Council Board of Directors held
    discussions concerning a non-discrimination disclosure that the
    council has signed in order to qualify for United Way funds.
    These United Way funds are used specifically for the council's
    Learning for Life program at the request of the local United Way
    executive board.

2.  This non-discrimination disclosure was directed to the use of
    United Way funds in the Learning for Life program and was not,
    and was not intended to be, an indication of any desire by the
    board to depart from the National Council policies nor should
    it be construed as any indication that Cradle of Liberty Council
    will fail to uphold any policies of the Boy Scouts of America.

3.  The Learning for Life program working through schools, businesses
    and other community organizations delivers values based programs
    to thousands of children. This program is not a membership program
    and selection of the adults who deliver the program is up to the
    institution that sponsors the program.

4.  The Cradle of Liberty Council is chartered by the National
    Council, Boy Scouts of America to conduct its various programs
    in Philadelphia, Delaware and Montgomery Counties. As such the
    local council affirms that it will carry out all policies as set
    forth by the national organization.

5.  Cradle of Liberty Council, Boy Scouts of America is strongly
    committed to the moral and spiritual development of Scouting
    youth in accordance with the values in the Scout Oath and Law.
    In the Oath and Law, the Boy Scout promises to do his duty to
    God and to be morally straight, as well as to be clean in his
    thoughts, words and deeds.

6.  The traditional membership programs of Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting,
    Varsity Scouting and Venturing have specific requirements and
    standards of leadership pertaining to all volunteers of which
    there are approximately 10,000 registered in this council.

7.  Applications for leadership and membership do not inquire into
    sexual orientation. However, an individual who declares himself
    to be a homosexual would not be permitted to join Scouting. All
    members in Scouting must affirm the values of the Scout Oath and
    Law, and all leaders must be able to model those values for youth.

8.  Consistent with the obligations of the Scout Oath and Law,
    Scouting teaches youth to show tolerance and respect for all human
    beings. The Scout Law requires youth to be helpful, friendly,
    courteous, and kind to all, and Scouts are taught to be respectful
    of those whose views may be different from their own. Scouting
    teaches both tolerance and clear moral values. Tolerance for all
    does not mean that all behavior must be accepted as appropriate
    for those in Scouting.

    Cradle of Liberty Council offices can be reached at 215-988-9811
    or 610-688-6900.

    Signed:         William T. Dwyer,III
                    Scout Executive
                    Cradle of Liberty Council,BSA